This package is a python client of RMLab services for data uploading, data fetching, and operations triggering (simulation and revenue optimization).
Basic program structure
Client - Server interaction requires a API
asynchronous context manager.
A basic program schema:
import asyncio
from rmlab import API
async def main():
local_data = "some_data_on_disk.csv"
# Open a context for server interaction:
async with API() as api:
# Upload local data to server
await api.some_upload_data_function(local_data)
# Trigger some operation on the server
await api.some_trigger_operation_function(...)
# Get operation results
results = await api.some_fetch_data_function(...)
# Do whatever with `results` (outside api context manager)
# Script entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
# async main function must be run in a `asyncio` context
Note that await
keyword need to preceed API commands sent to remote server.
As it is exposed in the Code Reference, there are four APIs available for users:
Upload API: To upload user data to the server for processing.
Fetch API: To fetch remote data from the server.
Remove API: To remove remote data from the server.
Operations API: To trigger long running operations (for simulation and revenue optimization) on the server.
In the previous case, user credentials were assumed to be set in following environment variables:
Users can also pass the credentials explicitly:
from rmlab import API
async def main():
async with API(workgroup="myworkgroup", username="myusername", password="mypassword") as api:
Workgroups and users
Server resources (both compute and storage) are isolated at workgroup level.
All users belonging to a workgroup view the same data. Each workgroup has specific services enabled depending on the subscription plan.
Simulation services to trigger big-scale simulations.
Optimization services to process real data for revenue optimization.
Web services for web-based visualization of the results of previous services.
This package uses python asynchronous utilities of AsyncIO to enable concurrency by overlapping multiple asynchronous operations triggered on the server by the client. In particular, users benefit from concurrency when they are
uploading several big files to server
triggering several long-running operations in parallel in the server
fetching results from server